Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hello World!

This post marks the beginning of my new (and first) blog. 

Hello World!
While I am normally the analytical, introverted type, rather than a "words" person, I've been compelled lately to create a place to document and share events, thoughts, and projects as they occur in my life. Partly its for archival purposes, and partly for use as a medium to share ideas with friends whom I do not have the fortune of seeing face-to-face on a regular basis. In general, though, putting pen-to-paper (or rather, cursor-to-word-processor) its part of a broader effort to be more mindful and thoughtful throughout daily life.


  1. I'm excited. We've been waiting for this. Do you mind if I add your link to my blogroll?

    1. Sure. I will do the same once I figure out how to do that..
